C10-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, November 10, 2012
Ford 8340 SLE, 4x4, Cab, 16x16 Power Shift w/ RH Reverser,
Many Options, All Tires 90%, Looks & Runs Exc.,
1994, 4025 Hrs.
Agro Trend 6’, 3 Pt. Snowblower, Low Wear, Very Nice
JD 7200, 4x4, Cab, Power Quad, 2 Remotes, 540/1000, R&P,
Local 1 Owner, Exc. Cond., 1994, 4512 Hrs.
NH TN75DA, 4x4, Cab, NH QT SL Ldr., 16x16 Shuttle Trans,
Many Options, Exc. Cond., 2005, 1576 Hrs.
JD 6x4 Gator, Gas, Power Dump, Very Sharp, 2003, 1852 Hrs.
Ford 5600, 2 Remotes, Front & Rear Wts, Toolbox & Toplink,
Mint Cond., 1977, 661 Hrs.
NH 8770, 4x4, cab, super steer, powershift, 4 remotes, axle duals, front wts,1 owner, exc.
cond, 1996, 4161 hrs.
Ford 8600, DP, 2 remotes, 540/1000, 6 front wts, all tires 80%, good cond., 1973, 9296 hrs.
Ford 8210 II, 4x4, cab, DP, 3 remotes, many options, mint cond., 1990, 3352 hrs.
Ford 7710 II, 4x4, cab, ldr., 3 remotes, 540/1000, DP, exc. cond., 1991, 3394 hrs.
Ford 7710 II, 4x4, cab, DP, 3 remotes, 540/1000, 10 front wts., all new tires, many options,
1 owner, exc. cond., 1988, 4908 hrs.
NH 7610S, ROPS, 2 remotes, 540/1000, 6 front weights, new cond., 2001, 749 hrs.
NH 7610S, ROPS, 4x4, DP, 2 remotes, 540/1000, 1 owner, exc. cond., 2001, 1012 hrs.
Ford 7600, DP, 2 remotes, 540/1000, 2 fuel tanks, very nice, 1979, 5401 hrs.
Ford 7600, ROPS & canopy, DP, 2 remotes, 540/1000, very nice, 1976,
2902 hrs.
NH T6050, 4x4, cab, PLUS, 2 remotes, 540/1000, many options, 1 owner, 2012,
factory warranty till 4/26/14, 40 hrs.
NH T6050 PLUS, 4x4, cab, 16x16 powershift w/LH reverser, many options, new cond.,
2010, 177 hrs.
NH T6030, 4x4, ROPS, NH QT SL ldr., 16x16 w/LH reverser, many options, 1 owner,
new cond., 2008, 1581 hrs.
Ford 5610 II w/ ROPS, aux. hyd. pump, 2 deluxe remotes, 6 front wts, 1 owner, new cond.,
1987, 876 hrs.
NH 5610S w/ROPS & canopy, 2 remotes, all Titan tires 80%, mint cond., 1997,
886 hrs.
NH T5050, 4WD, cab, 12x12 w/shuttle, dual mid & dual rear remotes, 18.4x34, factory
warranty, 2009, 293 hrs.
NH 5030, 4x4, ldr., ROPS & canopy, 8x8 w/ shuttle, exc. cond., 1998, 1071 hrs.
Ford 4610 SU w/ ROPS, 1 remote, 5 front wts, toolbox & toplink, 1 owner, mint cond.,
1985, 1697 hrs.
Ford 4600 SU w/cab & air, 1 remote, grill guard, runs good, 1979, 472 hrs ............... $7,900
Ford 4600 w/ROPS, 2 remotes, 5 front wts, exc. cond., 1981, 1404 hrs.
NH T4030, 4x4, cab, ldr., DELUXE, pallet forks, 16x16 w/LH reverser, many options, new
cond., 2010, 105 hrs.
Ford 3910 II w/ROPS & canopy, aux. hyd. pump, 2 deluxe remotes, rear wheel wts.,
front grill guard, mint cond, 1989, 1704 hrs.
NH 545D, 4x4 w/ldr., turbo, 8x8 w/shuttle, many options, 4 post, ROPS, exc. cond., 2000,
730 hrs.
Ford 545D, 4x4, cab, ldr., heat & air, 2 remotes, 3 pt. PTO & drawbar, 1 owner, exc. cond.,
8x8 shuttle trans, 1996, 1040 hrs.
Ford 540 w/ldr., dsl, 3 pt. & PTO & draw bar, 1 remote, front grill guard, very well main-
tained, exc. cond., 1980, 2716 hrs.
NH TS135A 4x4, cab, deluxe, 16x16 w/LH power reverser, front & rear suspension, many
options, 1 owner, mint cond., 2005, 1306 hrs.
NH TS115A, 4x4, cab, ldr., PLUS, 24x24 w/ LH reverser, many options, 1 owner, new
cond., 2004, 1148 hrs.
NH TS110, 4x4, cab w/ NH 7511 QT ldr., 16x16 w/ RH reverser, many options, exc. cond.,
1998, 1640 hrs.
NH TB100 w/NH ldr., ROPS & canopy, 2 remotes, many options, 2006, 215 hrs.
NH TS100A w/cab, 16x16 w/LH reverser, many options, new cond., 2004, 1190 hrs.
NH TL90A w/ROPS & canopy, 12x12 w/LH power reverser w/DP, 2 remotes, 1 owner,
mint cond., 2005, 885 hrs.
NH TN65D, 4x4, cab, ldr., 16x16 w/LH reverser, 2 remotes, many options, 1 owner, very
sharp, 2003, 562 hrs.
NH TN65D, 4x4, cab, ldr., 16x16 w/LH power reverser, many options, 1 owner, new
cond., 2002, 288 hrs.
NH TC45D, 4x4, ldr., ROPS, front grill guard, 2 speed hydro w/DP, many options, mint
cond., 2003, 646 hrs.
NH TC33DA, ROPS, 4x4, ldr., hydro trans, 1 owner, new cond., 2006, 171 hrs.
Ford TW-15 II w/cab, DP, 3 remotes, 540/1000, 10 front wts, new tires, exc. cond., 1988,
4447 hrs.
Ford TW15, cab, 2 remotes, 540/1000, duals, DP, front & rear wts, very sharp, 1983,
3879 hrs.
Ford TW-5 II, 4x4, cab, DP, 2 remotes, 10 front wts, many options, 1 owner, mint cond.,
1989, 1956 hrs.
Kubota M9000, 4x4, cab, ldr., 8x8 LH shuttle, bale spear, many options, mint cond.,
1 owner, 2004, 879 hrs.
Kubota L245H, mid & rear cultivators, side dresser in mint working cond., ROPS,
1 owner, mint cond., 1984, 1263 hrs.
Kubota L245H w/mid & rear cultivators, 3 pt. & PTO, 1 owner, very nice,
1980, 3569 hrs.
Case IH 5250, 4x4, cab, PS w/LH reverser w/neutral, 3 remotes, many options, exc. cond.,
1995, 4214 hrs.
Case IH 265 w/mid & rear cultivators, side dresser in working cond. w/lid & drop tube, 1
owner, new cond., 1991, 166 hrs.
Case IH Puma 210, 4x4, cab, 4 remotes, many options, mint cond., 2007, 4221 hrs.
Case IH MX135 w/cab, PS w/LH Reverser, rear axle duals, many options, 1 owner, mint
cond., 1998, 1877 hrs.
Case IH MX120, 4x4, cab, ldr., PS w/LH reverser w/neutral, many options, new cond.,
1997, 3951 hrs.
Case IH MX120 w/cab, powershift w/ LH reverser w/neutral, 540/1000, 3 remotes,
rear wiper, side mirrors, rear axle duals, 1 owner, mint cond., 2000, 1235 hrs.
Case IH CX90, 4x4, cab, ldr., 3 remotes, 16x8 w/LH reverser, many options, 1 owner,
2000, 3768 hrs.
IH 274 offset w/mid & rear cultivators, side dresser in working cond. w/lid, very sharp,
1983, 1809 hrs.
McCormick CX105, 4x4, cab, 24x24 w/LH reverser, Xtra shift, many options, mint cond.,
1 owner, 2005, 1049 hrs.
JD 6430, 4x4, cab w/JD 563 QT ldr., 16 spd. power quad trans., many options, 1 owner,
new cond., 2008, 244 hrs.
JD 5300, ROPS, ldr., w/QT bucket, grill guard, exc. cond., 1995, 1715 hrs
JD 4440 w/cab, power shift, 2 remotes, 540/1000, 10 front wts, 1 owner, exc. cond., 1978,
2778 hrs.
JD 3150, 4x4, cab, hi-low, 2 remotes, 540/1000, many options, new cond.,
1986, 3175 hrs.
JD 900 HC w/mid & rear cultivators, side dresser in working condition w/factory lid & 2
fertilizer drop tubes, ROPS, Very Sharp, 1987, 2707 hrs.
JD 900 HC w/ROPS, Mid & rear cultivators, side dresser in working cond. w/lid & drop
tubes, new cond., 1987, 619 hrs.
JD XUV 850D Gator, 4x4, ROPS, 72” blade, many options, 1 owner, new cond., 2008,
61 hrs.
JD HPX Gator, 4x4, ROPS, power dump, bedliner, many options, new cond.,
2006, 389 hrs.
JD 6x4 Trail Gator, front grill guard, heavy duty tires, rear hitch, 1 owner, mint cond.,
2003, 320 hrs.
Cub Cadet Big Country, electric dump, bedliner, grill guard, rear hitch, 1 owner, new
cond., 2002, 321 hrs.
Case 1835C Skid Ldr., dsl, 60” QT bucket, 1 aux. hyd., 1 owner, runs exc., 1988, 1974 hrs.
NH D2000, 3x4 bale, local 1 owner, 8694 bales, shed kept, 1993
NH BR7060 Silage Special, net, bale slice, bale command plus, bale ramp, Xtra sweep, 1
owner, mint cond., 2009, 4281 bales
NH BR7060 Round Baler Silage Special, net & twine, bale ramp, bale command PLUS,
Xtra sweep, 3236 bales, fl asher kit, 1 owner, new cond., 2009
NH 640 Round Baler, auto wrap, bale ramp, twine, 4x5, no repaint, 1 owner, very sharp,
NH 575 Baler w/NH 72 thrower, hyd. tension, hyd. swing, 22,000 bales, 1 owner,
new cond., 2008
NH 311 Baler w/NH 70 thrower, hyd. thrower swing, electric control for thrower speed,
20,000 bales, 1 owner, very sharp, 1988
NH 311 Baler w/NH 70 thrower, hyd. tension, hyd. thrower swing, electric controls for
thrower speed, very sharp, 1982
JD 447 Round Baler, twine, bale ramp, fl asher kit, mint cond., 2001
JD 338 Baler w/ 42 ejector, hyd. ejector swing, electric controls for throwing distance,
gauge wheel, mint cond., 2002
JD 328 Baler w/JD 42 ejector, joystick control, hyd. tongue, low wear, new cond., 2001
(2) Kuhn GF5001TH 4 star tedder, hyd. fold, 16’5” working width, DIGIDRIVE, very
NH 163 tedder, hyd. fold, 16’5” working width, very nice, 2001
NH 1465 haybine, 9’3” cutting width, hyd. lift, stub guards, fl asher kit, 1 owner, new
cond., 2006
NH 472 haybine, 7’3” cutting width, hyd. lift, very little use, 1 owner, mint cond., 2002
NH 472 haybine, hyd. lift, 7’3” cutting width, 2 owner machine, looks & runs exc., 1986
MF 725 haybine, hyd. lift, 7’2” cutting width, stub guards, good cond.
NH 254 3 pt. rake/tedder, 540 PTO, nice, 1990
NI 4150 rake, 8’6” raking width, ground drive, rubber teeth, mint cond.
JD 640 rake, 8’6” raking width, front dolly wheel, rubber mounted teeth, 4 bar, 1 owner,
works good
NH 166 Inverter, hyd. lift, 2 air tire pickup gauge whls., 1 owner, new cond., 2003
NH 166 Windrow Inverter w/ extension, hyd. drive, 2 air tire gauge wheels, 1 owner, new
cond., 2001
(2) NH 451 7’ 3 pt. Sickle bar mower, low wear, very sharp, 1993
JD 350 Sickle bar mower, 3 pt., 7’, low wear, very sharp
NH 930B 5’ fi nish mower, 3 pt., side discharge, 4 gauge wheels, new cond.
Befco 110 9’ 3 pt. fi nish mower, rear discharge, nice cond.
NH 616 3 pt. disc mower, 7’10” cutting width, 1 owner, very sharp, 1996
NH F62B blower, 540 PTO, 1 owner, exc. cond., 2000
NH 155 manure spreader, end gate, poly fl oor, 217 bushel, new cond., 2007
NH 145 manure spreader, poly floor, 177 bushel, low wear, local 1 owner, exc. cond., 2005
Bradco 611 skid steer mount backhoe, 24” bucket, very nice, low wear
Bradco 611 frame mount backhoe, 12” & 24” buckets, off of NH 545D, all brackets &
hardware & valve & hoses ready to go, low wear, mint cond.
MF 18 3 pt. box blade, 6’8”, no wear
Rhino R300 60” 3 pt. Blade, manual angle
Ford 7410 HD QT Ldr., off of Ford 5610 II 4x4, cab, joystick w/mid valve, all brackets &
bolts & hoses ready to go, 84” bucket w/bolt on cutting edge, new paint,
very nice
NH 7210 QT Ldr. w/QT bucket brackets to fi t Ford/NH 56-7610S, new condition
Woods 360 QT SL Ldr., 8’ QT bucket w/bale grapple, bolts & brackets for NH 70 Series,
Great Bend 330 QT Ldr., 2 spool valve, 6’ bucket, blue, bolts & brackets for Ford 4 cyl.
2WD, exc. cond.
Dunham 22 QT Ldr., 65” bucket, 2 spool valve, brackets & hardware for Ford 3 cyl., very
JD 148 Ldr. w/brackets off of JD 2940
4 Post Roof (off of Ford 545C)
Curtis 84” snow blade, Universal QT, trip spring protection, hyd. angle, adjustable shoes,
new cond.
Meyer ST90 front mount snow blade, 90”, hyd. lift, hyd. angle, off of 4 cyl. 4x4,
very nice
LuckNow Snowblower, 3 pt., double auger, 84”, 1 owner, new cond., 1995
Inland DA92 92” Snowblower, dual auger, low wear
Lorenz 80” Snowblower, dual auger, new condition
Meteor 3 pt. snowblower, model SB87D, 87”, dual auger, hyd. turn spout, spout defl ector,
1 owner, new cond., 1995
Finish Mowers - Brush Mowers - Blades - Stone Rake
2 Locations
330 Crest Rd., Lebanon, PA 17042
400 Flintville Rd., Lebanon, PA 17042
• CIH 110
• Puma 195 Ft, 3pt
• CIH MXM 140
• CIH 125
• CIH 115
• CIH MX180
• CIH 3394
• Farmall 50B
• Puma 145 CVT
• CIH Farmall 95
• JD 60
• IH 966
• JD-A
• JD 3150 MFO Loader
• CIH 7250
• Farmall 75C
• CIH JX65 Loader
• Farmall 95 ROPS
• Farmall C
• (2) CIH MX240
• CIH 8920
• CIH 8930
• CIH MX255
• CIH MXM 120
• IH 784 w/Loader
• CIH 7130 2wd
• CIH 310
• CIH 305
• IH 584
• MF 5455
• NH D1000
• MF 1372
• NH BB940
• NH HW345 SP
• CIH Wheel Rake
• MF 2150
• NH 1499 SP
• CIH 8570
• JD 338 Baler
• NH 590 3x3
• Hesston 1160
• CIH RB 454 Baler like new
• NH 320
• Gehl 2415
• H&S Wheel Rake
• Sundance Bale Grinder
• JD 336 Baler
• CIH 8575
• Miller Pro 1150 Rake
• NH BB960
• Durabilt 12 Wheel Rake
• Pequea Hay Tedder
• Hesston V12
• Hesston 4910
• 8x62 Auger
• 8x72 Auger
• IH 881 w/Heads
• 300 bu. Gravity Wagon
• 400 bu. Gravity Wagon
• NH 60 Blower
• Header Cart .....................$1,975
• EZ Trail 510 Grain Cart
• Gravity Wagon
• 3PT Disc Mower
• JD 220 Flail Shredder
• JD 2500 6 Bottom
• CIH 735 5 Bottom
• Creek View Litter Turner
• LVI Litter Turner
• CASE IH 54” Tiller ...........$1,250
• CASE IH 60” Tiller ...........$1,450
• CASE IH 72” Tiller ...........$1,950
• CASE IH 80” Tiller ...........$3,900
• Gehl 1315 Spreader
• ZF Mixer FM3000
• 30’ Bale Wagon
• Woods 74” Tiller
• Woods 60” Tiller
• CIH Scout UTV
• Roto Grind, Rental
• Woods BW180X
• Pequea 22’ Trailer
• Pequea Litter Spreader
• Haybuster Drill
• Kinze 2000, 6RN
• JD 716A 16 Ft Wagon
• NH 155 Spreader
• Woods 7 foot, 3 pt Mower
• Victor 20F Wagon
• White 6100 4RN
• Weaverline 436 Cart
• Crop Care 500 BW Deluxe
• Miller Pro 750-60’
• Crop Care 3PT, 300 gal.
• PBZ 750TA 45’
• Crop Care 750TA-45’
• Case 580D
• Case 430
• Case 440 CT
• Case 60 XT
• Case 75 XT
• Cat 257 B
• (2) Case 90 XT
• Case 580 SL
• Rock Grapple
• Preperator
• Pallet Forks.........................$625
• Rubber Tire Scraper
• Woodchuck Spreader
• McMillan Post Digger
• FFC Yard Preparator
• Case CX36 Minihoe
• Case CX36B, Cab
• Curtis Snow Push
Quality Used Equipment
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*ask for details.
Mow Even, No Windrows
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Buyer’s Opportunity
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Case IH MX240
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1998 Case IH 8920
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